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Kiehl Northwest Project Summaries

  • Alliance Enterprises
    Provided architectural and implementation support for Alliance’s efforts to migrate numerous stand-alone virtual machines across multiple subscriptions, resources groups and virtual networks into a centrally managed Active Directory integrated solution within the Azure Government platform. Assisted in the development of both the disaster recovery plan and related procedures for the Alliance Azure Cloud Services Hosting solution.
  • BAER Solutions
    Developed a mobile application for IOS and Android that tracks gun safety training.
  • Board of Accountancy
    Provided environment and application updates services to a technologically outdated system for CPAOnline, which tracks over 20,000 accounting licensees and accounting firms.
  • Bradken
    Developed the Tacoma Laboratory Information Management System (Tacoma LIMS) on the programming and equipment software integration project to allow for better quality control and tracking of materials.
  • Department of Commerce
    Provided development, training, and technical support on the Individual Trust Account Reporting System (ITARS).
  • Department of Early Learning (DEL)
    Developed an authorization interface (AI) component to track time, attendance, and billing system (TABS). Developed an upgrade to the Early Learning Management System (ELMS) to provide an AI component for subsidized Child Care eligibility allowing parents to be aware of services available and find qualified childcare businesses near them.
  • Department of Services for the Blind (DSB)
    Provided a technical resource to troubleshoot Internet Information Server configuration files to allow the web server to connect to the database.
  • Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)
    Developed the Electronic Jobs Automated System (eJas). eJas is an integrated case management system that supports the Dept of Social and Health Services staff, partner state agencies and contracted service providers in Support Service payments, gas cards, and documenting, monitoring, tracking and reporting the activities of WorkFirst and Basic Food Employment and Training participants. Provided architectural, development, testing and ongoing support on various DSHS enterprise applications, including the Learning Management System (LMS), Agency Records Request Tracking System (ARRTS), WAC Tracking System (WACTrack), Criminal History System (CHS) and Online Background Check System (OBCS) currently. Providing architectural, development, testing and ongoing support for development of data repository (DSHSLMS) used to merge Human Resource Management System (HRMS) data along with Active Directory (AD) data to support various enterprise applications including: Incident Monitor, LMS, Telecom Billing, Leave Tracker and AD compliance reporting. Designed, developed, and implemented the Background Check System (BCS). BCS is a web-based replacement system for the existing Criminal History System which processes over 320,000 background checks for over 80 business areas within DSHS and DEL annually.
  • Department of Transportation (DOT)
    Developed Cascades Rail Project Performance Database that tracks delay performance data for railroads in Washington State. The system is used to create reports and an index to gauge the railroads on-time performance. Data and Term Search System – Developed an application used for viewing and managing a library of over 3.5 million business terms, applications, and physical data objects. This system provides search and management capabilities for all Washington State Dept. of Transportation Employees. Materials Lab Data Mart - Led development and technical tasks required implement, maintain, enhance performance, and troubleshoot extract, transform and load (ETL) processes that move data from the Materials Lab transactional databases and flat files to the Data Warehouse.
  • Edge R&D
    Provided Project Management to facilitate execution of deliverables on the Westfield Live Receipts project to be used by individuals at airports to find services available to them within the timeframe of their flight.
  • Employment Security Department (ESD)
    Provided development assistance with the annual process and procedures in the Jobs Financial System (JFS), which is the payment system used for the WorkFirst Program. These processes and procedures are required yearly to close out the prior program year’s finances and opens the ledgers for the next program year. Worked on the Employer Account Management System (EAMS) to develop a secure, webpage-based portal (with an API option) used by employers and their tax preparers for filing, viewing, and amending quarterly hour and wage reports for each employee, and paying unemployment insurance fees and taxes.
  • Health Care Authority (HCA)
    Provided development, business analysis, testing and coordination on the Public Employees Benefit Board (PEBB) application. Provided development, business analysis, testing and coordination on the School Employees Benefit Board (SEBB) application.
  • Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
    Provided technical project management on the Student Growth Percentile (SPG) system to develop a web-based solution for producing reports that illustrated student growth using data visualization techniques. Developed the School Apportionment Financial Systems (SAFS). SAFS calculates monthly payments of state and federal dollars to each of Washington State’s 295 School Districts, 9 Educational Service Districts (ESDs) and other institutions that provide public education to Washington State’s K-12 student population. Developed the Comprehensive Education Data and Research System (CEDARS). CEDARS collects information on Washington State public school courses, students, and teachers. This data-rich system involves several user interfaces screens, import/export functionality, and a vast set of complex reports. Provided data verification and testing services of the Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS).
  • Port of Shelton
    Created a web-based inventory, staff, tenant and other resource management system to allow the Port of Shelton to run their operations more efficiently.
  • Washington Pilots Association (WPA)
    Provided an online registration and tracking tool to help support the distribution of a regular pilot newsletter and distribute grants/scholarships to young aspiring pilots.
  • Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (WSIPC)
    Collected requirements, designed, and developed a dropout prevention system, integrating with existing WSIPC data systems to provide a predictive model to provide timely interventions to potential high school dropouts. Provided technical assistance and project guidance for the WSIPC data warehouse system. Assisted in data model design, developed ETL processes, created reporting solutions and custom SharePoint code as needed. Participated in regular meetings with the company director to report progress and prioritize future needs.
  • Washington State Transit Insurance Pool (WSTIP)
    Provided the technical implementation of the Driver Record Verification System (ADR) which involves the retrieval of driving records from the Department of Licensing in an automated system to monitor drivers flagged with new infractions to maintain the quality of drivers insured by WSTIP.

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925 Trosper Road SW, Suite 202

Tumwater, WA 98512

(360) 515-0104

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ⓒ 2017-2025. Kiehl Northwest.

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